Grand Champion 2023

Gone West: Delbert Thomas Goodlett

Long time TXAAA member Delbert Thomas (Tom) Goodlett passed away May 25th, 2014 at his home in Alvarado, TX. He died of natural causes at the age of 86. He is survived by his son Ken Goodlett, granddaughters (Crystal and Shannon Goodlett) and his brother Leon Goodlett. Tom loved to fly. He was in the Air Force where he acquired his flying skills. Tom had a grass landing strip at his place in Alavardo, TX,…. so he would fly any time the weather was right. He liked the old airplanes and his favorites were his Great Lakes bi-plane and his 1942 Fairchild. He loved to have informal fly-ins at his place with various friends just to gather around and talk about planes and flying. He also had a nice collection of old cars such as his 1909 Packard, 1910 Peerless, 1937 Cord, etc. Tom retired many years ago and used his remaining years to work on his planes and cars. It was the love of his life and it kept him motivated and strong. Tom said “Flying was heavenly and peaceful”. Now he is in heaven and at peace.

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